Welcome back to Term 3! I hope that all the students and families have had a nice and relaxing break and are ready for another big and exciting term!

So what’s happening in Term 3?

In English, we are learning how to write a narrative and a recount. The students are learning to use a graphic organizer to plan their stories. They are learning to find main ideas in a text apart from learning about nouns, adjectives and verbs in grammar.

In Maths, we are learning multiplications. The students have used various methods like grouping objects and arranging them in arrays to work out the multiplication number sentences.

In Science, we are learning about living and non-living things. The students are learning in detail how the plants and animals go through different stages of development as they grow. We recently learnt of the life-cycle of a butterfly.


Thanks to all the parents and guardians who work so hard to support their kids with their learning. Believe me, it makes a big difference and the students enjoy doing their learning if parents are involved in it too.

Mrs. Gurtirath Singh
Year 2 Teacher